SHIELD OF HOPE FOUNDATION (SHIELD FOUNDATION) is a not-for-profit organization registered under Non-Governmental statue 1929 SN/048/2019. It was founded in 2019 and since has been committed to championing advocacy and development. We dedicated to working with and for the underprivileged which include youth, young women, persons living with disabilities (PLWDs), Persons Living with HIV (PLHIV), Orphans and Vulnerable Children among others across the communities of Teso Region. In all our years of existence we have been implementing sustainable community driven initiatives with a bid to overcome poverty and injustice among the underprivileged.
Its existence emanates from the predominant suffering and negligence youth and women in right of ownership of land and in-heritance of property and young adult’s high rates of unemployment and negative perception of the community towards their potential, capacity and capability.
In all our programming we use the Asset Based Community Development Approach in order to identify the needs of our beneficiaries and turn their threats into opportunities. Such an approach focuses on the capability of people and their assets to meet their needs; create wealth and opportunities for sustainable job creation. With our vision of Inclusive Societies Worth Living for all, our program interventions are as follows Institutional Capacity Development
Skills Enhancement and IGAs.
Enterprise development and Income security
Sustainable Agriculture and Livelihood Development.
Women Rights and Youth Civic participation.
Health, Behavioral & Mind Set Change.