The world has been passing through many implacable issues of environment. India is not an exception. Rather India is ecologically disturbed country to a greater extent. It is our moral duty that everyone contributes to pacify the burning climate of the world. It is the call of the humanity for humans on humanitarian ground. One such noble soul is Mr Shailendrasinh Jadeja, founder of Seva Foundation Trust, Rajkot – Gujarat who has been relentlessly striving to protect the environment.
As on today everyone has focused only industrial pollution but Mr Jadeja got sensitized against the hazards of solid waste that is being dumped into his and nearby villages thereby reducing the fertility of the soil, composition of toxic substance in to land and water created mammoth problems for the villagers. And unfortunately they could not stood up but Mr Shailendrasinh became the torch bearer to provide shield to all the villagers. He then started approaching all the office bearers of related government department very modestly in lieu of law
This made him realize that municipal solid waste is a dragon which will destroy any environment and if will not be curbed and eliminated the consequences would be fatal for the human beings and ecology too. Mr Jadeja persistently tried but unfortunately red-tapism of our beaurocracy did not place his words to deaf and dumb ears of our officers. Then he resolved to take this matter to National Green Tribunal. This was/is became the first case on solid waste in Gujarat in tribunal against the “so called” best plant of Asia. And the judgment of NGT, all the misdeeds/management of Municipal officers got exposed and the very lethargic situation of all the municipal corporations also got surfaced. This also became the first case due to the provision and guidelines of NGT that the Municipal Commissioner was being taken to the Hon Court.
Mr Shailendrasinh Jadeja, founder of SEVA Foundation Trust and has been campaigning against Environmental Degradation, Awareness of “Right to Information” (RTI) and Social issue of the society.
SEVA Foundation Trust exists for the representation of environmental criminals, and to challenge government and corporations when they fail to live up to their directive to protect our environment and our future.
In pursuing their task, they have no stable partners or enemies. They support open, educated discuss about society’s choices. They use research, lobbying, and silent diplomacy to pursue their goals, as well as high-profile, non-violent conflict to raise the level and quality of public debate. And they believe that the struggle to preserve the future of our planet is not about us. It’s about all of us.
Exertions of Mr Jadeja were being honored with “Environment Protection Award” by Govt of Gujarat on 13th January 15.
Let us join our hands in the philanthropic and societal work of Mr Shailendrasinh Jadeja. Let us restore and create the cycle of goodness of green.