
Serve Our African Pride(SOAP) c/o The Love Foundation -Zimbabwe

Harare, Zimbabwe
Joined November 2023

In Harare Zimbabwe in 3 districts,to promote an awareness, programs are Reintegration Exposure Management,Post Release Assessment,Psychosocial Support,Focus Group Discussions,Livelihoods Strengthen

Presence in: Zimbabwe
Focus: LGBTQI+ Rights




Our Vision

  • We envision a world where all individuals are free to live full, healthy and productive lives by embracing diversity in our humanity.

Our Mission

  • To promote an awareness and support that is able to engage, participate and advocate for their rights and wellbeing of Key & Vulnerable Populations incarcerated and those who reintegrates back into our societies.

Our Values

  • Tolerance &  Respect                            Integrity & Transparency
  • Teamwork &  Commitment                   Engagement & Empowerment
  • Acceptability



Our Philosophy

  • SOAP as a social justice organisation, we work in partnership with strategic allies and partners to ensure that community member’s needs are articulated, respected and accepted in their diversity.

Our Target Group:

  • Key & Vulnerable Populations in their diversity who are:
  • Inmates/Prisoners
  • Ex – Detainees
  • Ex – Offenders

Our Objectives

  • To promote and protect the rights and interests of KVPs in their diversity.
  • To assist in the reduction of torture and all forms of violence, sexual abuse and ill-treatment of key and vulnerable persons under incarceration
  • To provide legal support services to Key & Vulnerable Populations
  • To facilitate Sexual Reproductive & Health Rights services to KVPs and advocate for transparent and affordable services