
Sabalamby Unnayan Samity

Dhaka, Bangladesh
Joined February 2015
Presence in: Bangladesh

Sabalamby Unnayan Samity (SUS)- a Non Government Organization (NGO) started its journey in 1986. The head office of SUS is situated at Netrakona district town which is 160 km apart from the capital city Dhaka of Bangladesh.

SUS is working through right based, integrated and participatory approach for improving socio-economic and cultural status of the deprived people by organizing the people, establishing rights, utilizing resources properly, raising awareness and activating people to establish an equity-based equality. SUS is always trying to strengthen relationship with different government and non-government organizations.
SUS is working in 163 unions, 12 municipalities and 23 upazillas of five districts of Bangladesh.

The vision of SUS:
People live in a society with dignity and justice.

The mission statement of SUS:
SUS works with poor and deprived people by providing different socio-economic and cultural services with a view to eradicate poverty and injustice.