Rwebisengo Widows cultural Association (RWCA)
Ntoroko, Uganda
Joined December 2022
RWCA works in Ntoroko and Kasese Districts. Organization mission is to identify, examine and respond to social-economic and cultural barriers affecting the most vulnerable indigenous Pastoralists.
Focus: Children's Rights, Community / Customary Land Rights, Community Organizing, Community Paralegals, Education, Gender-based violence, Indigenous Peoples' Rights, Right to Information, Women's Rights
Rwebisengo Widows Cultural Association is an indigenous Women led organization that was formed by widows in 2013 and is registered with Ntoroko District local government (Reg no. 215). RWCA envisions “A socially and economically empowered health pastoral community” with a mission “To identify, examine and respond to social-economic and cultural barriers affecting the most vulnerable indigenous Pastoralists.
RWCA five strategic objectives are:
- To Promote cultural, civil and land rights of indigenous women Pastoralists.
- To address barriers hindering economic resilience and food security in pastoral communities.
- To increase access and utilization of quality healthcare services in pastoralist communities.
- To prevent and respond to violence against pastoralist women and children.
- To support vulnerable Pastoralist men and women access affordable and quality education
RWCA primarily focuses on supporting widows, people living with HIV, orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs), marginalized women living in ultra-poverty situations, Elderly (grandmothers), the illiterate, those living in conflict situations, survivors of violence and the disabled.