• Protection & promoting of Child’s Rights & access to legal support and Safeguard services.
• Strengthening family livelihood & self-sufficiency: Empowering women, children and Youth with leadership and vocational skills.
• Promoting Health Sector Reforms/Systems Strengthening for improved RH, HIV/ AIDS, TB, Malaria and priority diseases containment measures.
• Promoting human rights, policy & advocacy, good governance, citizenship education and participation.
• Promoting scientific research & development.
iv. Promoting citizen-led health, development, demand and accountability
v. Increasing demand for sustainable health financing
i. Pursuing and monitoring health agenda for accountable leadership
ii. Intentionally advocating for Universal Health Coverage and key health policies
i. Working with the communities and the state actors in promotion of health security framework
ii. Promote and engage with state actors to improve health security, public hygiene, public health and wellbeing
iii. Promote risk communication and mitigating measures in community health needs
iv. Promote citizens compliance to health security measures
v. Develop and support community response and reporting structures for health emergencies.
• Peer Education for in & out-of School Youths
• Free Medical Missions to the poor & vulnerable
• Capacity Building & Technical Assistance on Health Systems Strengthening
• Promotion of self-reliance & household economic strengthening programs, caring for excluded, indigent and gifted children.