Real Agency for Community Development (RACD) is an NGO established in October 2007 as a CBO working in Isingiro District particularly in three sub counties ieEndiinzi, Mbaare and Rugaaga with an aim of empowering communities to improve their livelihood by putting up sustainable income generating activities like milk coolers, grinding machines and sensitizing people about HIV/AIDS. Later alone the scopes of work expanded and RACD went beyond the CBO capacity which prompted the members to advocate for promotion to an NGO status. After registering as an NGO with NGO Board on 12th June, 2012, the organization strengthened its operations in the areas of its objectives set. It started by conserving natural resources, provide support to vulnerable people in Isingiro District and targeting to continue with improving agricultural production, provide sexual and reproductive health (SRH), promote human rights to people infected and affected by STIs’ and HIV/AIDS and promote cooperative ventures, among others. RACD it is mandated to operate country wide.
Vision: To transform local communities into a developed society.
Mission: To put up sustainable replicable approaches for all levels of living standards for continual development.
Goal: Informed and developed Society
To conserve natural resources
To concentrate on innovative, cost effective and replicable resources
To improve agricultural production through the use of existent resources and make appropriate research.
To promote Income Generating Activities (IGAs) at household levels and at the centre.
To provide appropriate support to vulnerable people- orphans, PWDs, youth and to People infected and affected by HIV/AIDS
To promote practical trainings in life planning skills to adolescents and other vulnerable people
To promote human rights
To promote cooperative ventures
We managed to implement projects under thematic under our mandate.