Pragati, Koraput is registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860, Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 1976, Section 12AA of Income tax Act 1961 and having 80G.The organization is working in South Odisha, India for the socio-economic development of below pyramid population who depend on rain fed agriculture and forests. Pragati facilitates the People’s Organizations, Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change Adaptation for ensuring socio-economic and environmental justice. We ensure equal participation of men and women, building their capacities on leadership, facilitate their effective participation in local self-governance, enable them access their legal rights over resources and secure their entitlements. We collaborate with different agencies, research institutes, Government line departments and Panchayati Raj institutions for increasing out reach and scaling up the best practices. Our work has influenced several policy decisions especially for securing land rights and inclusion of natural resource management models under Government schemes. We have demonstrated different livelihood models through creation of eco-friendly irrigation infrastructures, multiple uses of renewable energy as well as introduced system of crop intensification for climate change adaptation. We have a team of technical and professional staffs for facilitating the programmes. The organization has received Award from the state Government for conservation of natural resources and environment, recognized at National level as the NGO of the year 2008 for its work among the rural communities and transparency in governance and received the International Keeling Curve Prize-2018 for Climate Smart Agriculture.