Since 2005, the Women Heads of Family Empowerment Foundation (PEKKA Foundation) has developed legal empowerment programs in 81 districts where the PEKKA Foundation is known for organizing in 20 provinces. One of the strategies developed through this legal empowerment program is to grow as many paralegals as possible from the Pekka community to be able to assist women and other marginalized community groups to gain access and protection of law and justice. More than four thousand female heads of household have raised the paralegal community. Around 700 of them are active in socializing legal empowerment materials for women, assisting the resolution of cases in the community, especially cases of violence against women and children and cases of legal identity, conducting policy advocacy at the local to national level to promote legal protection and justice for women and marginalized communities. .
Pekka’s legal empowerment and access to justice program focuses on:
• Gender based violence
• Legal identity
• social protection
Apart from growing Pekka paralegals, another approach taken by the PEKKA Foundation is through awareness education, capacity building for Pekka communities and legal stakeholder forums. In addition, it also focuses on policy advocacy and consultation on policies and services based on gender, legal identity and social protection at various levels.
Empowering female heads of households and contribute to building a more prosperous, gender responsive society with full respect for human rights, by improving the female heads of households’ welfare by organizing and facilitating them to have access to various resources; enabling them to actively participate in every phase of development in their regions; raising their awareness about their rights as human beings and as citizens; and empowering them to have control of their lives, the decision making process within their families, as well as within the society.