Peace & Justice Network (PJN) Pakistan
Islamabad, Pakistan
Joined October 2016
To help build institutions which can strengthen democracy, deliver quick and inexpensive justice, and resolve conflict in a way that protects the rights of citizens in Pakistan
Focus: Criminal Justice, Environmental Justice, Gender-based violence, Generalist Legal Services, Governance, Accountability & Transparency, Peace-building & Transitional Justice, Right to Information, Traditional / Customary Justice
The Peace & Justice Network (PJN) Pakistan is a registered not for profit rule of law network which provides a common and neutral platform for civil society, academia, legal experts, justice institutions, policy makes and government organizations to work together on legal empowerment, human rights protection, access to justice and rule of law reforms initiatives across Pakistan in order to achieve its vision of establishing a peaceful society governed by laws where the rights of individuals are secure.
Following are the distinguish features of PJN;
- Network base of 45 civil society organizations across Pakistan (Rights Safety Net)
- Advisory Board of National and International Rule of Law experts and researchers (PJN’s Center for Legal Excellence & Research)
- Pakistan Legal Aid Support Network of Probono Lawyers (Connectivity through helpline “SALSI” and web based advice)
- Collaboration with Law Colleges and Universities across Pakistan (Research Journal, National legal Incubator Forum, Legal Clinics)
- Secretariat for Community Legal Services Forum (CLSF) – Collaborative platform to bring together all donors, international implementing partners, and local organizations working on Community Legal Services
- Institutional Collaboration with Law & Justice Commission of Pakistan, Ministry of Human Rights, Courts, Bar Associations, Local Government Institution, Police and Ombudsman for justice delivery initiatives
- Secretariat for National Community Paralegal Program – Collaborating with all the national programs
- Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Programs
- Justice innovations like Mobile App “Haqq”, YouTube Channel “LawVlog” and Services Index “PakLog”
PJN as an idea is to make civil society as the voice of citizens and transform the rule of law and its reform to be inclusive, consultative and reflective of the aspirations and needs of the citizens. On the one hand we empower the poor and vulnerable and on the other we also strive for demand-driven reform.