We promote the integration of gender concerns in climate change responses in Africa We also harness and encourage innovative research and partnerships that will enhance climate change adaptation.
Presence in:
Focus: Community / Customary Land Rights, Environmental Justice, Gender-based violence
The African continent is reported to be one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change and variability, although it contributes minimally (only through its dependency on fossil energy, and land use change as agriculture is concerned) to the factors that result in climate change, compared to other continents. Building a climate resilient Africa through gender mainstreaming, therefore, remains the strong call upon which this project was established towards the achievement of “AFRICA WE WANT IN 2063” mission. This was the brainchild of this student organisation, founded in 2017 by motivated students of our institute.
Therefore, the main programs of our organisation are:
We promote the integration of gender concerns in climate change responses in Africa
We harness and encourage innovative research and partnerships that will enhance climate change adaptation and mitigations in Africa.
We create climate change awareness at all community levels across Africa.
We participate in the planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of environmental related policies at the local, national, and regional levels in Africa.
We encourage African students to include climate change related issues in their master thesis.
We also sensitise communities on the use of legal means to avoid gross degradation of their environment.