The Human Rights Defenders Network – Sierra Leone (HRDN-SL) is a coalition of human rights civil society organizations and individuals working for the protection and promotion of human rights in Sierra Leone. HRDN-SL was established as a local chapter of the Pan African Human Rights Defenders Network (PAHRDN) based in Uganda and West Africa Human Rights Defenders Network (WAHRDN) based in Togo and through technical support from the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) based in Geneva.
The Network was set up in 2011 following a meeting of human rights organisations working in the country and registered as a non- governmental organisation in July 2013 with a functional secretariat based in Freetown and liaises with regional focal secretariats on activities aimed at promoting HRDs rights. The network has established structures in place to ensure it strategic implementation and oversight of programs. Over this period the Network has registered a lot of achievements as well as challenges. It currently has a membership of 25 organisations and 7 individuals drawn from all the four regions in the country with many more looking to join.
As a local Chapter, HRDN-SL seeks to promote the participation of human rights based civil society organizations to research, analyze and pursue strategic interventions through advocacy, campaign to promote and protect human rights defenders in Sierra Leone.