PEN FOUNDATION a registered Non-Governmental entity. We are an operational NGO, meaning we plan and carry out boots-on-the-ground projects to accomplish our objectives.
We want to introduce you to our project name ORPHAN CHILDREN CARE where we are taking care of orphan children and providing them opportunities for equal education and basic facilities of life. Below the details of the project are provided to give you an idea of the problem and how we can solve it, So, that we may be able to get some financial grant/ support from you/your organization to carry out our project.
In our project area number of Orphans, Semi Orphans and Street Children are found in large number belonging to drastic poverty stricken families. The problem of orphan / street children is acute due to urbanization and industrialization. Due to the deaths of HIV/AIDS affected persons, Re-marriage of deserted / widowed / divorce women, absence of love and security in the families, Family disputes, Unwanted pregnancy of Trafficking / Sexually exploited girls; these orphan and street children are left without care and support. These children are involved in rag picking; pick pocketing and participating in anti social, criminal activities. Therefore, we envisage mainstreaming these children in the national building by providing care, support and protection in our ORPHAN CHILDREN CARE Project.