The Peruvian Center for Social Studies –CEPES- was founded in 1976 as a private non-profit organization, specializing in issues of agrarian and rural development, aimed at generating political, institutional and cultural conditions that allow the inclusion of peasants and indigenous peoples in the dynamics of modernization (economic, social and political) and the democratic exercise of their rights.
Our main objectives are to strengthen the capacities of peasants and indigenous peoples, generating, debating and disseminating proposals for inclusive and sustainable policies for rural development and providing useful services to rural actors in order for them to face their challenges in better conditions. We seek to improve the conditions of access to land and other natural resources by these actors, contribute to ensure that they continue to guarantee the country’s food security and support their effective adaptation to climate change.
Institutional activities are organized into three programs: access to natural resources, food security and climate change. The purpose of complementary programs and lines of action is to promote rural development,capacity building and negotiation competencies of agrarian and indigenous organizations; generate communication mechanisms that allow their inclusion as citizens; and carry out studies and research that allow the generation and sustenance of proposals regarding gravitational issues of Peruvian rural development. These actions take into account gender, intercultural and rights approaches.
Since 1998, CEPES has a regional office in the department of Huancavelica, from which it carries out permanent advisory and rights training work for indigenous peoples and peasants in the area. CEPES has also participated in the design and implementation of national campaigns through radio, virtual media and the networks in which the institution participates, as well as training and advisory to guilds and communities nationwide.