Noble Missions is a nonprofit organization based in Abuja, Nigeria with support from volunteers all over the world. Founded in 2010, Noble Missions envisions a world where technology is available and accessible to all citizens to foster sustainable development and reduce hunger. In 2050, Africa will be home to 1 billion young people. Our mission is building and using technology to remove barriers and improve access to quality education for these 1 billion people.
After many years in the field supporting children and young people to access quality education, we are now more convinced that, achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goal Four (SDG 4), i.e., “Ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all” in Africa requires progress in all the other 16 SDGs. And it will take the actions of young people to make this needed progress. Our new commitment alongside our education-related activities is to provide digital tools, opportunities and resources for young people in Africa to transcend the challenges and obstacles that may hinder the achievement of SDG 4 and the other SDGs in their communities as active citizens.