The National Legal Aid Service (NLAS),is a body corporate established under the Legal Aid Act 2016, Laws of Kenya. It is mandated to among other things facilitate the provision of legal aid services in a coordinated manner to the indigent, vulnerable and margenalized citizenery, by ensuring that the services are accessible, affordable, accountable, transparent and efficient.
NLAS is governed by a board comprising of 11 members who are representatives of State and none Sate actors. It also has a Secretariat comprising of a director, techincal and support staff who are mandated to provide administrative work.
The service has a presence in five counties within Kenya i.e. Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Eldoret and Nakuru with intention to establish offices in all the 47 counties.
The service provides legal aid (to eligible clients) in criminal matters, civil matters and matters of public interest. Its services are also extended to stateless persons and internally displaced persons.
The service recognizes that it cannot act alone while discharging its functions and therefore it collaborates and coordinates service provision among legal aid providers in Kenya through accrediation.