The NaCCLE, a coalition of nine (with room for new members sharing common values, purose and focus) Civil Society Organisations was formed in August 2018 with support from Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA). It is an advocacy organisation active in the Primary Justice Sector, particularly in matters relating to, but not limited to access to justice, legal empowerment and human rights and other areas of advocacy. NaCCLE’s aim is geared towards enhancing the capacity of members to enable them promote the development of just and empowered communities. The Coalition intends to achieve this through collaboration, partnership, research, joint advocacy, resource mobilization and capacity building for the creation of better communities with increased awareness among citizens of their rights in justice and human rights.
The Mission of NaCCLE is to enhance the capacity of members in order to promote the development of just and empowered communities through collaboration, partnership, research, joint advocacy, resource mobilization and capacity building with the Vision to see “empowered Communities for a Just and Developed Sierra Leone”.