Narasha Communities Development Group is a community based organization that was first started in 1999 by local community in Narasha Village in Olkaria. Its inception role was to bring development projects to the local area such as schools, medical facilities, water projects and economic projects such as bee keeping, crossing breeding of the local cattle and sheep. This was done through partnering with the companies and business enterprise in the area. It was to train the community leaders and local people on how to solve their economic problems.
The CBO was re-registere in 2014 with an new role of advocating band protection of the community land and economic rights. This was prompted by the new challenges of land defending need after the Kengen co. Ltld hired goons to torch on the village destroying 247 homes and properties worth millions of shillings. Another group of community members were resettled by the same company after they were displaced by Olkaria iv project. The organization invited the World Bank and European Investment Bank to investigate human rights violations by this project.