MIGHT Foundation (MIGHT) is a Ugandan non-partisan and non-profit organization that researches,
advocates, litigates and carries out capacity and community development projects for the promotion,
protection and strengthening of peace, human rights and related inclusive sustainable development matters
like agriculture, finance and trade. In achieving its vision and mission, MIGHT works with communities,
clients, donors and survivors to best represent the voices of minorities and key stake holders at the national,
regional and international level, acting in the interest of Ugandan minorities.
MIGHT does not discriminate and represents people from all circles of life including people of all races,
class, religion, age, gender, sexuality, national origin, tribe, ethnic origin, marital status, disability, political
affiliation or opinion, and social or economic standing.
MIGHT was founded in 2014 and registered in 2016, as a company limited by guarantee, reg. no. 231132,
after realizing that certain groups of Ugandan minorities were underrepresented or not represented by
government officials, private sector and CSO’s, focusing on a specific mandate that protects a specific
group of minorities or that is focused only on research or advocacy work etc. This among others, left many
minorities without representation at the different country levels for example victims of war in unrepresented
areas of the country, stranded and tortured or ill-treated persons in foreign countries, believers in traditional
religion and culture, homeless persons among others. Thence, we were founded to prevent conflicts within
the country, promote, protect and respect human rights and ensure sustainable development for all
An empowered and advocating Ugandan society that promotes, respects and defends peace, human rights
and sustainable development for all.