Mbalizi Paralegal Organization (MBAPAO) is a non- governmental organization was established in 19th September 2016 and got registered number 11NGO/000885 of Tanzania under NGO Act 2002. It is an independent Tanzania organization formed by community of Mbeya region and supported by legal services facilities (LSF) with the central theme of promoting ‘’access to justice for the marginalized and poor community through community and legal empowerment approach’’. The Organization was registered as a legal aid provider at 25th July 2019 under the Ministry of constitution and legal affairs and Taxpayer Identification number is 137-360-810
MBAPAO complements government efforts by contributing to the implementation of various policies and hence brings development to the citizens. Our primary focus is on Women and children. We aim at empowering them by giving them legal education and skills to face the challenges.
The formation of MBAPAO was inspired by among other factors; availability of large number of women and children who need and legal Aid education on sexual violence, understanding of women needs, understanding of the potential human rights in bringing social development and changes in communities and country at large, MKUKUTA and MDGs, Tanzania development vision 2025, the realities currently facing women and children in our country as well as our district (women unemployment, sexual corruption and declining leadership) and experience gained through working with women and children in various women’s group, women led organizations national and International.
Our Vision
Attain a society that respects women and children’s rights.
Our Mission
MBAPAO aimed to rise legal and human rights awareness to protect women and children’s rights and of the general public.