The LSF was originally designed as a demand side support mechanism for legal aid providers, including paralegals. In the first program phase (2012-2015) the focus was on making good quality Affordable and Acceptable community based paralegal services Available in all districts of the country.
The LSF used and will use its leverage beyond mere grant making, to systematically support and guide the enhancement of legal aid in Tanzania toward increased promotion and protection of human rights through a legal empowerment approach. It developed into an organization, which reforms and re-shapes the legal aid subsector of the country’s justice sector, together with legal aid providers and the government of Tanzania, from national to local level.
Presently basic legal aid services, mostly provided through paralegals, are funded in all 168 districts of Tanzania ensuring increased levels of Accessibility. A cadre of 4,000+ functional paralegals completed paralegal training or is in process of doing so. In 2014 around 40,000 clients were served and 90,000 persons reached with legal and human rights education.