
Legado Initiative

Maputo, Mozambique
Joined July 2016
Presence in: United States
Focus: Community / Customary Land Rights, Environmental Justice

At Legado, we catalyze legacy-driven leadership to support a floruishing 
future for the people and biodiversity of Africa. Our flagship intiative, Legado: Namuli seeks to advance the formal protection of the globally important biodiversity of Mount Namuli through a community based natural resource management approach. We are currently in the process of completing a feasibility study and participatory rural appraisal within the communities surrounding Mount Namuli. We would appreciate the opportunity to interact with other mountain conservation projects that have used a community based conservation model to achieve rural development and conservation goals.

Legado’s second initiative is the Legado: Fellows Initiative which targets university students as well as junior staff of NGOs and government agencies to provide integrated, multidisciplinary training to cultivate a dynamic and connected approach to conservation, science, economic development, and leadership. Our program builds on the success of our 2015 Symposium, composed of twenty-seven African Fellows (over 50% from Mozambique and others from Namibia, Zimbabwe, and South America) and six US Fellows.