I met with various members of the Zimbabwean community in Johannesburg. We identified the challenge that many Zimbabwean children have been excluded from formal education (despite the SA constitution guaranteeing all children an education) for a variety of reasons, mostly around documentation issues. There are also many quality Zimbabwean Educators that are currently unemployed, or not working in the education field. Windsor East in Johannesburg was identified as an area with a large Zimbabwean community. It is a high-density, high-unemployment, high-crime & low-income environment. Children are at risk due to this, often wandering the streets rather than being at school. This severely limits their future oppoortunities. I started a non-profit with Mr L Gumede, an educator from Zimbabwe, & we opened the Kuhlwile Education Center, trading as Sunrise Private School. We currently run a primary school, with a particular focus on technology. Computer training for adults is also offered. There are currently 180+ children & a number of adults that make use of our services & facilities. 90% of Educators are from Zimbabwe, as I’ve found that they are of excellent calibre. They also experience various challenges, including struggling to get into the formal education system. We assist with training courses & advice where we can.