The Kenya Community Support Center (KECOSCE) was founded in 2006 and has been working in the coastal region of Kenya, it was established to address democratic governance, socio‐economic and youth concerns with a focus on the coast of Kenya.
The main purpose of Kenya Community Support Center (KECOSCE) is to promote and facilitate institutionalization of the values and practices of good governance at all levels of society as a basis for sustainable social‐economic development. The organization is registered in Kenya by the government as a Non‐Governmental Organization under Section 10 of the Non‐Governmental Organizations Coordination Act vide certificate number OP.218/051/2006/0324/4307 dated 6th September, 2006. KECOSCE takes recognizance of the fact that the majorities of citizens have not been recognized or effectively involved in public policy processes that impact on their social, economic and political lives. KECOSCE takes recognizance of the fact that the majorities of citizens have not been recognized or effectively involved in public policy processes that impact on their social, economic and political lives.Further, it candidly admits that national and local governments have generally failed in tapping the abundant individual and collective creativity of the people.