Justice Initiative Centre (JIC)
Buea, Cameroon
Joined February 2021
To promote justice initiatives and the respect for human rights and democratic principles in Africa through education and skills training, strategic litigation, creative activism, advocacy programming
Presence in:
Cameroon, Ghana, South Africa
Focus: Citizenship & Identification, Community / Customary Land Rights, Gender-based violence, Generalist Legal Services, Governance, Accountability & Transparency, Peace-building & Transitional Justice, Women's Rights
Justice Initiative Centre (JIC) is a non-profit making organization devoted to the cause of enhancing the pursuit for justice and the respect for fundamental Human Rights. It undertakes to provide pro bono legal services and assistance to victims of ineffective justice systems and human rights violations.
MISSION: To promote justice initiatives and the respect for human rights and democratic principles in Africa through education and skills training, strategic litigation, creative activism, advocacy programming, research and development. Advocates and encourages programs that complies with human rights norms.
VISION: To have a continent free from impunity, injustices, human rights violations and a democratic deficit. To build a society conscious of the respect for the rule of law, human rights and democratic values.
OPERATIONAL PROGRAMS: To achieve our mission, JIC’s work is organized in the following operational program areas or units;
- HUMAN RIGHTS: Mandated to carry out advocacy campaigns, sensitization on core human rights issues, monitoring, documenting and reporting on the applicability of human rights principles and standards.
- LEGAL ASSISTANCE: Provides pro bono legal services to victims of human rights violations, carry out trial observations and provide legal advice, consultation and legal aid clinics.
- GENDER AND SOCIAL SERVICES: Promote gender equality, women empowerment and women’s right. It advocates for the elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls. This unit is designed to also promote social wellbeing, providing psychosocial support, counselling and cash assistance.
- DEMOCRACY AND PEACE BUILDING: Promote democratic principles such as accountability, transparency and the respect for the rule of law. It initiates peace campaigns through inclusive participation and diversity management. It works to promote effective peace processes and non-violence.
- RESEARCH UNIT: Mandated to enhance the research activities of JIC