
Judgment UN Skills Development

Einshams, Egypt
Joined January 2023

Judgment UN for skills development An international body of a diplomatic nature Address 51 Selim Ain Shams Street, Cairo Governorate - Arab Republic of Egypt

Presence in: Australia, Egypt, Lebanon
Focus: Education, Traditional / Customary Justice

Judgment Yuan  skills development
An international body of a diplomatic natureAddress 51 Selim Ain Shams Street, Cairo Governorate – Arab Republic of Egypt
Local recordings:
Registered with the Ministry of Investment under No. 196394
Certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 28272
Tax license under No.: 196_917_703Registers internationally as a consulting firm
Registered with the United Nations, the United Nations Partners Portal, under No.: #29195
Member of the Common European Community under No.: 43266
Registered with the United Nations, the United Nations Global Market under No.: 904941#
Registered in the UNESCO World Heritage Center under No.: #465248
Registered with the European Commission, the Finance and Investment Gateway, under the number PIC 884178378
Registered with the European Commission Erasmus for Education, Sports and Culture under the number E10314

work nature :
1- Working in the field of comprehensive training, preparing and training experts, preparing professional diplomas, professional masters, professional doctorates, and training in all theoretical and practical disciplines.
2- Working in holding conferences and organizing festivals, parties and seminars at the local and international levels
3- Working in civil and commercial arbitration in civil and commercial disputes, i.e. the private judiciary, accrediting and training arbitrators and customary judges in all countries of the world, opening dispute resolution offices in all countries of the world (judicial units) a
4- العمل في مجال الاستشارات: الإرشاد النفسي – الإرشاد المجتمعي – الاستشارات البيئية – الاستشارات الأمنية – إلخ ، والاستشارات المالية والقانونية مستثناة من ذلك كما تظهر في السجل.

مجلس استشاري أول:
مستشار الدكتور مايكل وجيه يعقوب ، رئيس مجلس الإدارة (مصري)
د. فاطمة زهراء العبريكي ، نائب رئيس مجلس الإدارة (مغربي)