The Alliance was founded in 1992 during an indigenous conference for the establishment of the alliance held in Penang Malaysia, where the Charter of the Alliance was adopted, and has been advocating continuously for the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples ever since.
Mission The Alliance is independent, impartial and objective in its dealings with other international organizations, governments, and individuals and has as its Purposes “To secure respect for Indigenous rights, territories, institutions and processes and to promote an Indigenous model of socially and environmentally sensitive development and conservation in tropical forest regions”.
Our vision is Past, Present and Future
– Promote full recognition of the rights and territories of indigenous and tribal peoples;
– Promote the development of indigenous and tribal peoples and their participation in decision and policy making;
– Establish effective networks between indigenous peoples at regional and international levels;
– Exchange information and experiences to empower Alliance members to advocate for the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples, enabling them to impact upon processes falling within the complex UN system, and the policies and decision-making of developmental agencies and multi-lateral development banks;
– Promote worldwide solidarity between indigenous and tribal peoples