Integrity Action enables citizens to improve the delivery of essential services, infrastructure projects and humanitarian aid in some of the world’s most challenging environments.
Integrity Action do this through the promotion of integrity. We believe that, rather than top-down finger pointing, the bottom-up promotion of integrity.
Integrity Action works in places where the need for effective services and infrastructure is critical. Whether it is secondary school teaching in Afghanistan, water systems in DR Congo, or the reconstruction of homes after Nepal’s 2015 earthquake, essential services and projects impact every aspect of citizens’ lives. However, in the countries where we work, citizens frequently don’t get what they need – or what is promised to them.
Integrity Action address this through:
MONITORING: Integrity Action enables citizens to become monitors of services and development projects. Monitors are typically members of communities where the services and projects are active, giving them a genuine interest in their successful delivery. All monitors act on a voluntary basis.
TECHNOLOGY: Monitors post their findings, including any problems, on our easy-to-use and award winning website and app DevelopmentCheck. This information is visible to anyone and posted in real time – all of which makes it trusted. The tool currently works in 12 languages.
SOLUTIONS: Monitors don’t just report problems; they are actively involved in finding solutions. Monitors convene meetings involving all relevant stakeholders and then work towards finding solutions that work for everyone. These fixes are also posted on DevelopmentCheck.