Institute for Self Management is a Non governmental, non profit organization that facilitates people’s movements towards social& gender justice. established in 1983, our initial interventions were grass root level group formation, facilitating people from underprivileged community to get government’s welfare schemes, promoting savings habits awareness generation and capacity building of leaders of a group. having closely workers with marginalized communities we realized that they lacked opportunities for development and were under the grasp of various social evils such as child marriage, child labours, occupational hazards caste disparities and so on. to find a sustainable solution and spearhead their development, we started focusing on three important areas women development, children’s education and organizing the unorganized working labouers in Madurai, Dindigul and Theni Districts of Tamil Nadu. with the support of various governmental non governmental and private institutions we have significantly improved the lives of 50,000 + beneficiaries. through our various initiatives we have seeded hope and ability in individual to manage their lives efficiently. 2girls children child marriage stopped, 182 – released from bonded labour system. 168 – free houses & housing facilities provided to rehabilitated bonded labours. 50-families given 2 acres of land to do farming activities. 1120-women benefited by availing loans. 400-marginalized Dalit & Tribal women freed from unwanted domestic violence. 214-families given dry ration kits worth 2000/- 864- children benefited through our child supplementary education Centre.