
Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti

Boston, United States
Joined March 2015
Presence in: Haiti
Focus: Criminal Justice, Gender-based violence, Housing Rights & Informal Settlements, Traditional / Customary Justice

We work with the peo­ple of Haiti in their non-violent strug­gle for the con­sol­i­da­tion of con­sti­tu­tional democ­racy, jus­tice and human rights, by dis­trib­ut­ing objec­tive and accu­rate infor­ma­tion on human rights con­di­tions in Haiti, pur­su­ing legal cases, and coop­er­at­ing with human rights and sol­i­dar­ity groups in Haiti and abroad.

IJDH draws on its founders’ internationally-acclaimed suc­cess accom­pa­ny­ing Haiti’s poor major­ity in the fields of law, med­i­cine and social jus­tice activism. We seek the restora­tion of the rule of law and democ­racy in the short term, and work for the long-term sus­tain­able change nec­es­sary to avert Haiti’s next crisis.