

nashik city, India
Joined September 2021

We are dedicated to defending and protecting human rights. Educating all and empowerment for youth.

Presence in: India
Focus: Community / Customary Land Rights, Criminal Justice, Education, Environmental Justice, Gender-based violence, Generalist Legal Services, Governance, Accountability & Transparency, Health, Labor & Employment, Livelihoods, Other, Peace-building & Transitional Justice, Women's Rights

The organization is built in 2021 January, we have seven board members and all are educated and socialist person. Interest to help others like donate blood, donate food, dress, mats, nets and dishes and polythene etc.. All are broad minded to educated people about aids, sex and language of love. The organization is now just started lets see what will be our touch point of human being. Website is not being continue with in a minimum days. Contact numbers are everywhere in India. Membership also going on to help and gather people.