Haki Centre is a registered Non-Governmental, non-partisan human rights organization working within the coastal region of Kenya. The organization was formed in 2006 by a group of young vibrant youths to promote the progressive realization of human rights in the region, by ensuring communities’ ownership and active engagement in the struggles for justice, good governance and equity.
The name Haki is a Swahili for Rights. As such, Haki Centre advocates for Rights Based Approach (RBA) to development and governance. We are cognizant of the fact that the realization of Human rights ought to be the goal of all development processes, and governance manages development. For this reason, there is need for a deliberate effort to mainstream human rights in governance.
Haki centre underscores the fact that rights come with responsibilities and Citizens must play their role to enjoy those rights. The 2010 constitution also requires the public to participate actively in processes/issues affecting them for devolution to succeed. In this regard, Haki centre empowers communities to “act and engage” for change and progress from an informed perspective. The organization works to bring community-driven, practical and sustainable solutions to community problems.
Haki Centre’s Project activities are mainly undertaken at the grassroots level with the support of local communities who are not only beneficiaries but also partners in implementation. Haki Centre is also a member of grassroots, regional and national network of organizations working in Citizenship, Land, Peace and Security, and Governance.
To achieve its goals, Haki Centre has organized its interventions in four main thematic areas. These include; Peace building and conflict management; Increasing Communities’ access, use and benefits of Land and Natural Resources; Enhancing Citizens’ Participation in Good Governance and Social Accountability at all Levels; and Promotion of Equity and non-discrimination within the Coastal region of Kenya.