Is a womens rights organization registered under the Ministry of Internal Affairs National
NGO Board Reg Cert. No: 8538, GWED-G is also registered with district local Government
of districts they operates in Acholi sub-region and endorsed Memorandums of Understanding
(MoU) with these districts for any program implemented to avoid duplications and give clear
insides of the programs and donor portfolio
GWED-G operates in most of the districts in Acholi sub-regions like Gulu, Amuru, Nwoya,
Omoro with offices in those sub-counties and working with networks in Pader, Kitgum,
Lamwo, and Agago (Acholi Sub-region), however GWED-G conducts advocacy works at
national levels and sits at various platforms for National Plan of Action (NAP), member of
Uganda Human Rights Defender groups, 1325UNSCR, the ICGLR platform, and partnering
with HURINET, UWONET, and UWOPA on issues related to policy.
Aparently GWED-G represents the women desk in the north. s.