Freedom and Roam Uganda(FARUG) is the oldest solely Lesbian,Bisexual and Queer women organisation in Uganda that actively leads and organises on sexual orientation and gender identity through advocacy,lobbying and dialogue to create greater visibility and voice. Vision: A society in which the rights, freedom and equality of LBQ women are guaranteed and there is no discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
Mission:To empower LBQ women in Uganda to challenge all forms of discrimination, and work together to advocate for the realization of human rights
Our main programs are;
*Freedom from violence;To advocate for an environment in which the rights of LBQ women are respected and protected.
*Right to health;To promote and advocate for equal access to friendly,non-discriminative and inclusive services to LBQ women.
*Socio-economic rights;To promote socio-economic rights and empowerment of LBQ women in Uganda
*Research and Documentation;To document and report violations against LBQ women.
*Community Human rights and Sustainable development Accelerators (CHuSA); LBQ women are empowered to become Champions of Human rights Acceleration (CHAs) to challenge criminalization which fuels stigma, discrimination and human rights violations against them.Mobilization and sensitization of rural and peri-urban based grassroot LBQ women through; human rights trainings and advocacy campaigns; reviewing and analyzing of punitive laws/policies; organizing safe space dialogues with strategic stakeholders; research-documenting-monitoring and tracking human rights violations against LBQ women including GBV cases, developing and disseminating assorted IEC materials; mentorship and feminist transformation leadership training of emerging LBQ leaders at the grassroot.