Focus is a Mongolian Non-Governmental public health Organization (NGO) which was established in March 2001 and initially aimed to make contribution to the implementation of the national strategy for prevention the spread of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in Mongolia with support of the international humanitarian organization Medecins sans Frontieres (MSF-Holland).
Till 2014 Focus continued the successful HIV/AIDS/STI mass media campaigns first initiated by MSF and the Mongolian Ministry of Health and implemented in 1999-2001 in Mongolia. Since 2016 Focus in engaged media advocacy programs on the prevention of risk factors leading to NCDIs, in particular alcohol and tobacco use.
Focus has an independent Governing Board consisting of representatives of governmental structures, public health and media organizations.
OVERALL OBJECTIVE: To make contribution to the prevention of risk factors leading to communicable and non-communicable diseases in Mongolia through promotion of healthy behavior among target populations and implementation of specific mass media projects and educational campaigns.
Advocacy project “Strenghtening the tobacco control legislation in Mongolia” promoting the establishment of smoke –free policy in the country through the passage of the Mongolian Law on Tobacco Control in compliance with FCTC, April 2016-October 2017 supported by Tobacco Free Kids.