Our vision is a world where people organize to emancipate themselves from all forms of oppression, recognize their social responsibilities, respect each other’s differences and realize their full potential. Fahamu’s mission is strengthening and nurturing the movement for social justice in Africa by generating knowledge to serve activism, bridging the gap between theory and practice, creating learning for, by and across movements, amplifying Africa centred voices, perspectives and solutions in policy and decision making at all levels and creating platforms for analysis and debate.
Fahamu operates through 4 pillars namely: Adilisha, Utetezi, Tuliwaza and Pambazuka. Adilisha is the social education pillar nurturing grassroots activists, community based organizations and across social movements. Pambazuka News is an online platform providing cutting edge analysis of news about Africa. Tuliwaza seeks to promote knowledge and evidence based research from African perspectives, Utetezi provides platforms for Africa-cantered advocacy that strengthens movements and citizens voices in policy agenda setting and implementation while amplifying progressive African voices and decision-making through citizen’s forums, village assemblies as well as formal policy spaces