The organization implement women’s empowerment and access to justice, aim to improve access to the formal justice system through the dissemination of information and the training of local organizations, promote legal awareness and responsiveness for marginalized groups such as women, girls, youth, and disability, and strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations and media in Uganda in regards to health, gender, and media as well as hosting talk shows and facilitating Focus Group Discussions. The organization attains its objectives, using a national public awareness media campaign, policy review meetings, seminars, and workshops, addressing political outreach and advocacy, resolution, and motions. It utilized radio programs, Public Outreach Service Announcements, and interactive talk shows and contests to provide women, men, and youth with information and practical examples on how to address justice challenges. The organization also facilitated structured Focus Group Discussions (FDGs) and media advocacy activities to enhance outcomes. The project expressly intended to provide public information considered essential to using the judicial system, while also providing alternative responses through the non-formal sector. FICRD experience over nearly a decade has shown that the media can change how citizens behave when it comes to settling their legal disputes, and healthcare issues; and it assumes the media can change public perceptions about how the judicial system functions. Based on its previous intended-outcomes of media productions, the media campaign for this project will invert the pyramid of assumptions, working incrementally from increasing public knowledge, to bolstering public confidence, to promoting new behavioral habits. The organization contributes to increasing the potential for women to use the formal justice system by disseminating information concerning individual rights, the current state of laws, and the different legal avenues available.