As written above, this is not a structured ‘organization’ but a group of men and women who have come together with one belief –
Ownership of land in Kenya, belongs to Kenyans, not foreigners.
Much of the land in our North has been stolen and grabbed by foreigners posing as ‘CONservationists’ – they use their lawyers, and cheat and rob the locals of enormous tracks of land, in which they cannot get access to graze their cattle, and neither can they get access to age old springs.
Currently Errant Natives are running two social pages with the aim to teach and create awareness about NRT, the main body behind land grabbing.
Going forward we aim to physically teach about land-rights, and this week I will personally take one of your courses on land rights – and then teach these to youth community members. Even though we’re not a ‘registered’ group, we’re well organized and well structured. I do the PR, the writing for Facebook together with the authors of the book, “The Big Conservation Lie” – followers of this book are called ‘Errant Natives’ a name coined by John Mbaria, one of the two authors of the book. Dr. Mordecai Ogada is a senior carnivore expert in Kenya.
Together with community members scattered across various parts of Kenya, we have a drop box of information which we sift through, and then make public. All our members are vetted and material must be trustworthy. As the communities become aware of their lack of knowledge, they seek to learn how they can help themselves. This is the next step.
Najar Nyakio Munyinyi