Energetic Youth Heritage Initiative is a youth led non-governmental, nonpartisan, non-religious organization aimed at providing a forum for all youth organizations and service providers to contribute to youth policy, monitor its implementation and to uphold democratic value as enshrine in the Nigerian constitution through ensuring participation of young people in national development, and reconstruction towards contributing to the social, economic and potential live of our community and country at large.
EYHI is currently operating in three states of the northeast Nigeria and works along with communities and donors for the purpose of assisting youths in responding to conflict , promoting good governance and as well reaching out to vulnerable persons in communities with health-related issues such as HIV/aids, hepatitis and malaria control. EYHI has a total of 8 employees and 10 volunteers with specialties in the areas of governance, education, health, human right, and peace/ conflict resolution.
Presently in Gombe, EYHI is implementing a USAID project partnering with the DAI State2State team on a project called ‘Building the Resilience of Youths in Responding to Conflict and Youth Restiveness’’ across 6 LGAs of Gombe State which is ongoing.
Purpose: The overall goal of Energetic youth Heritage is to promote healthy lives and equal access to healthcare services and to improve the wellbeing of the vulnerable. And also to improved Sub National Capacity to Manage Conflict: improving government, security actors and civilians’ capacity to manage conflict through work on prevention, mitigation and reconciliation and achieve peaceful co-existence
Notable Achievements: EYHI implemented projects in Gombe Taraba and Yobe States were as follows: