Background information
The Endorois Welfare Council is a registered community based organization, established in 1995. It was founded by the senior members of the Endorois indigenous community living in the Lake Bogoria area of Baringo and Koibatek district, as well as in Nakuru and Laikipia districts within the Rift valley province in Kenya.
To envision a community that guarantees social justice and wholesome development for all.
We strive to promote and facilitate equitable distribution of resources and wholesome development.
Our goal is to promote economic social justice through empowerment of community
Core values
The organization has devoted its energies to advocating for the Endorois Communities’ economic, social; cultural rights. Specifically, attention has been on land natural resource rights. . This includes putting pressure on attractive and mining interest and concessionaires to be accountable to the Endorois community. The organization further promotes social development and poverty eradication. A number of these are undertaken through capacity building, documentation and information dissemination and litigation.
Programmes and Partnerships
The thematic focus of EWC includes human rights advocacy, community diversity and conflict resolution, poverty eradication and community development, literacy promotion among the Endorois community
N.B/ EWC is open to partnership and collaboration with likeminded civil society organizations, Research institutions and Academia, Government agencies both National and County.
P.O BOX 921 – 00200 NAKURU
TEL: +254722915809
E-mail ewcbogoria@hotmail.com