ECWR was initiated with the aim of providing direct legal aid to poor women and providing trainings to them on their legal, economic, political rights. Since then, we’ve added new programs based on our belief that women’s rights are an essential part of human rights. Gender equality and women’s empowerment are essential to create an informed citizenry capable of promoting and sustaining the social, political and economic development of Egypt. Especially during this time of great potential for change in Egypt, the promotion of women’s involvement in political and economic life is essential to ensuring the hearing of women’s voices in decision-making and defining an agenda for change.
ECWR’s mission is to support Egyptian women in their struggle to obtain their full rights to further achieve gender equality on different levels. To achieve this vision, ECWR works on eliminating all forms of discrimination against women incorporated in law. Through its projects and programs, ECWR urges the legislative authorities and advocates for reform where existing legislation does not conform either to the Egyptian Constitution or the international conventions ratified by Egypt, most notably the Convention to Eliminate All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Apart from working on VAW, ECWR works on the empowerment of women in the decision-making process and precisely in the parliament and local councils. Additionally, ECWR works on enhancing the economic empowerment of women with ensuing women’s economic autonomy and security. This will lead to increase women’s participation and decision-making powers, as well as in public life and politics.