The overall objective of DLRC is to contribute to changing the legal profession in Uganda from one less committed to and aware of the needs of persons with disabilities (PWDs) to one which is skilled and prepared to address the legal and human rights needs of PWDs. This will be achieved by influencing reforms in legal education which is expected to result into law graduates and eventually a judicial system which is committed and skilled to promote and protect the legal rights and needs of PWDs. This is to be achieved through review, development and change of curriculum to integrate disability issues into the different modules; enhance the skills of staff at the School of Law, as well as for the rest of Makerere University to engage disability lens in the teaching and conduct of their work; raising awareness of disability rights across the university and encourage and support disability-friendly interventions for learners with disabilities; conducting research on topical issues concerning disability rights, law and policy; developing teaching materials in the area; collaborating and networking with Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs), government ministries, departments and agencies as well as other stakeholders to promote the protection and realisation of the rights of persons with disabilities.