
Disability Inclusive Justice And Legal Aid Association (DIJLA)

Dhaka, Bangladesh
Joined August 2019

The mission of my organization is to ensure professional rights of lawyers with disabilities and to ensure access to justice for the persons with disabilities and other marginalized justice seekers.

Presence in: Bangladesh
Focus: Gender-based violence, Generalist Legal Services, Governance, Accountability & Transparency, Other, Right to Information

The main programs of Disability Inclusive Justice and Legal Aid Association (DIJLA) are:

  1. Capacity building of the lawyers with disabilities and building strong network among them;
  2. Legal empowerment of persons with disabilities including disabled peoples’ organizations and other socially excluded community people through legal awareness, capacity building training on right to information, available remedies against violation of rights so that they can access justice and enforce their rights in due process of law.
  3. Sensitization and capacity building of justice sector actors i.e. legal professionals, police, judicial officers, Court staff etc;
  4. Promoting pro-bono legal aid and services;
  5. Referral to the government and non-government service providers
  6. Undertake research and advocacy for legal reforms based on findings of research on identification of gaps and loopholes in existing laws and policies
  7. Strategic legal actions under different laws including public interest litigations under article 102 of the Constitution.