
Dalit Association for Social and Human Rights Awareness (DASHRA),

Patna, India
Joined January 2016
Presence in: India
Focus: Citizenship & Identification, Community / Customary Land Rights, Criminal Justice, Education, Environmental Justice, Family, Gender-based violence, Generalist Legal Services, Governance, Accountability & Transparency, Health, Housing Rights & Informal Settlements, Labor & Employment, Livelihoods, Other, Peace-building & Transitional Justice, Right to Information

Our Vision:
The work of the organization has been guided by its vision of establishing a just, democratic, non – violent society. It envisions a society where the Citizens enjoy the rights of education, health and livelihood without any discrimination by gender, class, or caste, live in mutual co-operation and perform their responsibilities without any hindrance. DASHRA’s objective is to provide and promote a better future and empowerment of the disadvantaged people for human rights culture in the society.

Our Mission:
DASHRA’s mission is to facilitate and promote through networking, non-violent and peaceful collective action. It wants to create, replicate and activate Structures and Systems to cater to the need of the poor and the persons with disabilities, Scheduled caste, scheduled tribes, Dalits, women, old ages, adolescent and Children. This is to eliminate the exploitation and provide opportunities for their growth and upliftment of their economic and social status for dignity and Justice with the activities of monitoring, advocacy and capacity building.