COOSA Nation of North America (CNNA-USA) is a FREE and ASSOCIATED ANCESTRAL STATE represented by Councils of kinship who collectively facilitate Safe Passage and the Right of Return for American Aborigines (American Indians). Resurrection of the Ancestral State “Americoos” (Ancient Empire & Paramount Chiefdom) of the Ani Coosa (AH NEE KuSAH) was asked and answered by our Ancestors so related clans could come together as One Mission, One People, One Fire, our National Mantra. We are headquartered in the Heart of the HiYAH SH’ HAH WAH the TAH WAH Li GAH (Towaliga District) ancient, sacred ancestral lands of Coosa Nation-State (Americoos) presently known in part as Indian Springs (Butts County) Georgia.
In our Mother Tongue, KuSAH is bringing forth revelation! Nation integrity is important to us as we incorporate the guiding principles (Wampum) of THE GREAT LAW OF PEACE as our way of life “where our feet touch the soil”.
As a Juridical Personality, Coosa Councils work fervently as indigenous human rights defenders using peaceable means in petitioning for our Heritage rights and rights of self-determination in accordance with the ICCPR, ADRIP, and UDHR in compliance with the Declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples (U.N. Resolution 1514-XV) and the Fourth and Fifth Geneva Conventions. We are currently advancing our Indigenous Housing, Family Preservation & Community Restoration Plan (2021, REVISED) in facilitation of Safe Passage and Right of Return for individuals and families we serve in dispersed indigenous communities through-out Turtle Island.