The ‘Consultancy for Human Rights and Forced Displacement-CODHES’ is a civil society organization that prides itself in having 6 nationwide territorial offices (Buenaventura, Cartagena, Chaparral, Pasto, Bogotá and Villavicencio) and allied organizational networks that secure indirect presence in various parts of the national territory. Work is organized in eight thematic areas: Justice; Land and Land Restitution; Human Rights Situation, Collective Reparation, Refuge, Borders and International Protection; Peacebuilding, Gender and GBV; and Ethnic-Territorial Rights. In this context, it is important to note that CODHES promotes the fulfilment and comprehensive validity of the Human Rights of the internally displaced population, refugees and other forced migrants taking as a reference, in specific cases, the International Humanitarian Law, International Refugees Law and the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement.
In regard to Human Rights, CODHES assumes as mandate the democratic construction of the peace, justice and social equity as a sure way to prevent uprooting, exile and dispossession. CODHES has been working for this purpose since 1992 in three lines of action: the first is monitoring and situational verification of displacement events, human rights violations, and manifestations of violent conflicts through the communications and information management department.
The second is a line of in-depth research and knowledge management on the relationship between social and economic conflicts, and the armed conflict in Colombia. The former work is done through follow-up and advocacy on public policy, especially comprehensive attention and reparation of IDPs and armed conflict victims in general.
The third is a line of training and strengthening of social and community capacities to grassroots organizations, organized and unorganized victims for the demand, monitoring and verification of human rights’ situation.