Following the devastating 11 year civil war in Sierra Leone West Africa (1991-2002), Compassion for Peace and Child Survival Sierra Leone, (CPCSSL) came into existence in 2005. CPCSSL was born in Fourah Bay College by three sociology students. CPCSSL’s primary objective was to attend to the holistic care of the people living in post war Sierra Leone. Ensuring that human rights, mental health, and sustainability efforts were being met to ensure a successful transition after the war took place. CPCSSL provides psychosocial interventions at both individual and organizational levels, partnering with; health care providers, law enforcement, educators, clergy members and business owners to guarantee the needs of these victims are being met. CPCSSL has worked to reunite family members displaced by the war as well as advocate and create a safe environment for those who live with the mental, emotional and physical reminders of its brutality. CPCSSL’s provides counseling sessions to individual, families and or large groups. CPCSSL’s sphere of influence includes issues dealing with trauma, grief and loss, economic pressures, parenting issues, torture, family disagreements, prison outreach, commercial sex workers and school children.