The CLS programme is closely coordinated with the overall Safety & Justice (S&J) Programme, and the two other S&J outputs; 1), the Justice Sector Strategy Fund (JSSF), as well as 2) the Police Reform Programme II (PRP II). Only through the joint success of all three outputs of the S&J programme can the objectives of creating better demand-side and supply-side governance be achieved. This is also in line with the GoB’s National Strategy for Accelerated Poverty Reduction. The CLS programme is working from the demand-side of the equation and would need strong linkages with the two other outputs, as well as goodwill from the GoB, to reach the results that are expected at the supply-side of the equation.
The JSSF’s main mandate of developing an inclusive national strategic vision for justice sector reform is intrinsically linked with the long term success of the CLS programme. Thus, the success of the overall S&J Programme (the JSSF) is impacting on the CLS programme’s ability to achieve its stated goal and purpose.
Maxwell Stamp Ltd. is working as the implementing body of the CLS project in Bangladesh