Community Initiative Action Group-Kenya (CIAG-K) is a non-state agency and not-for-profit founded in 2008 with main purpose of implementing dynamic and innovative programs that have greatest change in the lives of communities living at the pyramid and organizations that target this group in Kenya. The initiative does this by building relationships with stakeholders by tapping into alternative systems of social justice in order to develop social capital.
CIAG-K is registered under the Laws of Kenya as Trust. It focuses on research, analysis, training, and advocacy and facilitating debates in different aspects of civic duties and responsibilities, social justice, economic, human rights and social policy areas. The initiative focuses on creating long lasting positive impact through programs in its strategic core areas that include; Human rights, education, governance/resource mobilization and social sector analysis.
CIAG seeks to become people’s voice in counties in which it operates. CIAG capitalises on open engagement strategy that will involve dialogue with duty bearers including gate keepers and opinion shaper. It will apply pressure through social media and by leveraging the opinions of its constituent that comprise xx community groups and xx advocacy and social change champions.
Vision: The organization’s vision is a just and dignified society in which citizens realize their full potential and basic needs are met for all.
Mission: CIAG’s mission is Empowering communities, organizations and social interest groups to transform societies for the benefit of the vulnerable and marginalized.
Our Values
To achieve its long term goal and vision, CIAG-K theory of change therefore seeks focuses on three areas namely; (i) Influencing policy change, (ii) promoting citizen engagement and action; and (ii) promoting transparency and accountability.