Community Empowerment and Development Team (CEDT)’s work is to strengthen the capacity of urban and rural communities to negotiate legal tenure with government authorities, physically upgrade their housing and infrastructure, and claim rights to manage and conserve their natural resources in sustainable through the provision of knowledge and through the process of participatory planning: including Community/GIS mapping, possession and land rights documentation, community strengthening, pro-poor technical advice on infrastructure and non-technical community led zoning, and land dispute/housing solution options.
The overall goal is thus to ensure that organized poor communities in Cambodia are able to articulate their priorities and take action towards the improvement their housing conditions, livelihoods, and long-term security of tenure and development in their communities.
At CEDT we believe that communities are and should be at the centre of all decision-making process, initiative, intervention that concerns them and that the NGOs and other partners are there to officer technical advice, guidance and support. NGOs should never be in a position to set agenda for them.
CEDT believes in investing in people, in communities and in processes -even though this might take a very long time- we believe in sustainability and long-term solutions. The approach that CEDT follows in achieving this is people-led participatory planning process. Internally CEDT uses a continuous and participatory process of reflection and learning.